Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Narrative Writing
Tuesday 30 July 2019
WALT: Identify structural features of narrative
Title: The wild snow dog.
Who: Rebecca and her family.
Where: Snow mountains.
When: Late morning.
Why: To go skiing and to see the wild snow dog.. What: Rebecca told her brother the story of why she wants to see the dog so much.
The story: The wild snow dog was with a pack and saw a football team's bus on fire. He jumped through a window thin as ice and all of the football players was safe. The wild snow dog unfortunately cut himself on the glass and ran away. Everyone thought it died but Rebecca thinks it is still alive.
WALT: Identify structural features of narrative
Title: The wild snow dog.
Who: Rebecca and her family.
Where: Snow mountains.
When: Late morning.
Why: To go skiing and to see the wild snow dog.. What: Rebecca told her brother the story of why she wants to see the dog so much.
The story: The wild snow dog was with a pack and saw a football team's bus on fire. He jumped through a window thin as ice and all of the football players was safe. The wild snow dog unfortunately cut himself on the glass and ran away. Everyone thought it died but Rebecca thinks it is still alive.
Monday, July 29, 2019
This week we are learning about graphs and how to read them.
The frustrating thing was understanding the questions and reading it
The easy thing was writing the answers in.
My Next request is to understand the graph and answer most of the questions as possible without help.
My Next request is to understand the graph and answer most of the questions as possible without help.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Red: 2019 Posts
Blue: 2018 Posts
Blue: 2018 Posts
In 2018 I wasn't doing very well until after June towards August. But I challenged myself to blog more because we had a blog tracker that could earn us points. So this year 2019 I have smashed it out and still working on it. Comment down below if you could understand it. If not tell me what I could have done for you to understand.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Blog Comment
This is my quality blog comment to Moana from Waima School
Kia Ora Moana, My Name is Marta and I am a year 7 who goes to Tautoro School. I really enjoyed this slide show because it had a game in it, your point of view and a poem. This reminds me of when I read a book who got bullied and stood up for him self. This is very great, maybe next time read 1 page and post it to your blog. Well that's all Iv'e got to say. Blog you later
Make sure you check out my blog to see how I am going:
Make sure you visit her blog:
My Recount Writing of in the Holidays
My Recount Writing
Can you see any errors?
I was assigned to not proof read it but I checked with a buddy so yes, is there any errors
Monday 22nd July 2019
“Yay!” Term two of school was over and we had a two week break. On the first week of school my cousins Mele, Viani and Brejah came over. It was a lot of fun during the first week because most of the night we went to the hot pools. It was so relaxing. I sat in a hot pool that was 40 degrees. I just felt so lazy. Then me and my cousin Mele wanted to do a challenge. What was the challenge you may ask? The challenge was who could stay in the coldest pool there the longest. I put one foot in and it was… FREEZING! I wondered how low was the temperature. Mele and I went all the way in until the water touched our shoulders. On the other side of me, it looked like Mele had no problem with the cold. I started counting how long I will be in there. 1...2...3 and Im OUT! Really I only lasted three seconds. Wow! At the end of that we went back home. Then we just watched scary movies. We were screaming our heads off. We watched Insidious and Conjuring. The first week was really fun! I enjoyed that week but not better then the second week. Week two had come and we went down to Auckland. It was AMAZING! Let me talk about the most funnest day had In Auckland, shall I?
It was a warm but cold night, my older cousin Tupou was going to take my cousin, my nephews and I to Extreme. I didn’t really know what Extreme was. So I just jumped in the shower and got ready to go to Extreme. We finally arrived about twenty or more minutes later. Elizabth ( My cousin) And I looked inside to see what was in there. And you will never believe what I saw...I saw… An Arcade! We all went in there and sat on the chair so that my cousin could go get the card for us to be able to play the games. We started of with a game where you have to throw the rings onto the poles. The far end poles was worth 70 points. And the second row was worth 50 points, and the two front rows was worth 20&10 points. My nephews went first. He got 8 tickets. Then Elizabth went, she got 11 tickets,(because she got help) Then it was my turn. The time started and I quickly went. I got 70 points and then 50 points… The time was about to finish so I grabbed all of the rings and thru it all at once. I got it all on one pole and it was the 70 point one. Yay. The game ended and I only got 10 tickets! The next game was trying to get the ping pong ball into the cup. I was good at that game. I got 8/10 cups. We carried on playing games. We were about to leave but we wanted to do one more. It was like a three D mask one. You put on the goggles and you can look around and it will show you things. Also you had to hold on to the pole in front of you because the chair was moving and there was a big fan so that if you were going down something the wind will blow on you. Me and Elizabeth went on it and it was amazing. We chose the santa clause ride. It was so amazing we went to ask Tupou for one more ride before they close. She replied with a grin and said yes. For our next turn we chose the country roller coaster. We put the goggles on and then it started. We were on the reide and it took us to a high spot then waited there for a bit. I looked down and it was so high. Down we went. I screamed because I was afraid of heights. There were these rabbits around me and on the back of my cart so I thought I could Punch them but I couldn’t. The ride ended with me in a pot of soup! That was my favorite ride. We had a lot of tickets but they were closing and we couldn’t buy anything. Extreme closed and we went back into the van. My cousin played my nephew's favorite song very loud. It was Baby by Justin Biber. We were in the car singing. When the rap part came on I was the only one rapping because I knew the lyrics, Well most of it. A lot of our jams came on. Old Town Road was one of them. We sang our heads off and laughed. We arrived back home at 1:00 and ate some pizza. At 1:40 we had to go to sleep because it was way too late. Elizibth and I couldn’t sleep though. Why? It was because we had the giggles. We would look at each other and laugh so loud we got into trouble because my nana and papa was sleeping. But we still couldn’t stop we said something not funny but laughed about it. Elizabth stood up to walk away from laughing but I laughed a little bit and made the both of us laugh very loud. We didn’t get into trouble that time. Our giggles went away at 2:00am in the morning. We still couldn’t go to bed so we just talked and snuck the T.V on. We turned it off and went to sleep at 2:48am. The next morning we woke up early to go with Elizabth’s mum’s home. We took a shower and then played the PS4. We were jamming fortnite until we had to go to my brothers rugby game.
We were at my brothers game and it was packed because it was the finals. My brother was in Marrist vs Ponsonby. I was a good supporter because I lost my voice. LOL! Marrist unfortunately lost, but it still was a great game. Did you know that Ponsonby has won the finals 3 years in a row? Well that was the end of my holidays. I enjoyed my holidays.It was amazing.
Learning Goals
WALT: Set Goals for ourselves.
S.C: They will be specific and Measurable.
These are the goals I have set for myself this week. Next Monday I will be checking how well I did at achieving my goals. I had to make sure they were measurable, but setting up days to be finished or tasks that had to be completed. I had to be specific for what I wanted to achieve. I will share my findings at the end of the week.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Cyber smart Animation
Kia Ora, This is mmy cybersmart animation. This was my first time doing an Animation. So comment down bellow if I did good and How I could improve. Enjoy!
Monday, July 1, 2019
My Writing Plans
Last Week Of Term 2 Plans
Are you excited for the last week of the term? Because I am.
Who wouldn’t be ready for the 2 weeks of a big break.
On Wednesday 3rd of July we are going to have shared lunch.
Each student will bring some snacks to munch on while we
watch movies and create our own movies. I know that my
group is going to be doing a movie about littering but power puff
girls addition. We also had to go in groups and decide on one
inside and one outside game. We chose Charades for our inside
game and bat-ta tennis for our outside game. I can’t wait for Wednesday. I reckon it is going to be fun.
game and bat-ta tennis for our outside game. I can’t wait for Wednesday. I reckon it is going to be fun.
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